This is just me. A stay at home mom without a bunch of pretense. Don't mind my run on sentences and I will attempt to stay on topic and tell whoever decides this is readable stuff about our life here in Sydney. If I was telling you these stories you might never keep up with me...'cause I speak Sister Hotline SuperQuick with a bit of a twang. Here it is, who knows what I'll spout out about, but this hen is a cluckin'!

I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I am not an adventurous sort by it's gonna take a lot of nurture to get me through this "adventure". Everyday life with two little ones keeps you busy...Same stuff, different continent, country, time zone, hemisphere...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hola Houston!

**Again, written a few months ago, never posted. But it's about time to wrap this all up, tie a bow on it and file it away. Looking for a new blog name, as I think, it helps me to write it out and get some perspective and venting done. Promise the next blog will be more positive:)**

It has been whirlwind here in Houston. House hunting, car hunting, adjusting to Central Time and the like!

We have, in just over two weeks, secured two vehicles and just officially signed the lease for our home in the suburbs of Houston, in KATY, Texas. It's not Sugar Land, but our monster couches will fit inside it and this my dears, is how our choices were made...

First Impressions:

  • People are friendly and nice.
  • Houston, TX is as flat as Dallas, TX.
  • Don't mind missing the winter, but the temps seem to vary day to day from chilly to hot and humid
  • Texas Pride is even more serious business than I thought. Even like highway stuff like overpasses have the Texas star embedded in the concrete or the silhouette of the state. I kinda like it.

Things we are loving about being back in America...

  • being able to talk to people in the states at normal times, though habit and getting the children to bed have still kept my calls to the morning hours, generally.
  • Air conditioning
  • Good customer service! Particularly in restaurants...
  • Inexpensive stuff. Kids meals in a restaurant here can be approx. $5 versus $12-15 in Australia.
  • Special to TEXAS. The drive thru Margarita! Ummm....Yummm...Crazy
  • Proximity to family and friends:)

Keeping this short and sweet. We are adjusting. We are living in a beautiful corporate condo overlooking a PetSmart parking lot. It has a few other stores and a Trader Joe's (wow, what I have been missing, having never set foot inside one till TX)  and in walking distance to restaurants, hair and nail places, grocery store, Hallmark. It could be worse...

Believe me!

See Yah Sydney!

***This post is belated. I had written it some time ago, but just getting to the editing. Three months later, still happy to have left Sydney...***

Our time is up. We have left the Land of Oz. Not looking back. I have so much ahead to take care of...but I'll tell you a little about our final weeks and what I will truly miss about Australia.

Our final weeks included preparing to leave and seeing what we could before we left. Australia is the size of the US so there was no way to see it all. Maybe one day we will go back for a vacation with older children...I could live to never do that flight again with a busy toddler boy. The Muffin was fine, she can be happy with TV, movies and ipad books and games. Huckleberry aka Pork Chop is not so inclined to be still for so long!

We went to Adelaide again and visited a few wineries with The Man's parents who were with us for the trip and staying with us for their Aussie visit. That was fun and "Num" as Pork Chop says! Then we took a ferry to Kangaroo Island, a scenic Ocean Drive to Melbourne to fly to Tasmania. Two weeks, two little ones, the two of us and my in laws. Yes, I am awaiting SAINTHOOD!

 We stayed at a little farm called the Al-pac'am Inn (Mispelled). They were a nice couple with lots of animals! We had fresh eggs, a farm tour, and Muffin had her first pony ride at this locale. Pork Chop, who loves riding toys, and rocking horses and bouncy horses, was not interested. Plenty of time and horses here in Texas to take care of his first pony ride! It was a great time and we saw beautiful country and animals. One place we stayed was neighbor to a national park. It was here that we saw lots of wombats and pandemelons (small wallabies). They were just hanging by the cabin and cute. The children just came to expect them. A possum (yeah, its okay, they are kind of cute living outside of your home and they are different than the American possum) came on the porch and seemed to be Eskimo kissing Huckleberry/Pork Chop through the glass door. We went to dairy places, a honey place  and seafood places and just had a good time. I'll skip over the final days when we all took turns going down with a nasty virus that messed up our enjoyment of Hobart . How cool to have gone to Tasmania. Ask me in person what the Aussies call it or look at it on the map and guess yo'self!

When we arrived in Hobart, after driving through the mountains, we went to our hotel... smelled horribly of curry and had a kitchen with the bathroom right off of it. Our oldest thought it was really cool. "I like their kitchen bathroom". Quesy tummies could not handle that odor...or the kitchen-bathroom, or having one bathroom and all of us and at least 3 with icky tummies. So, we moved on and found a place on the Harbor. I felt like I reached heaven in a hotel room. We had stayed in cabins and such which were fine...but nothing like creature comforts. From there we went to an airport hotel where the kids and I became well acquainted with the playground ,as the rest of the crew were still down from the virus....It started with Huckleberry and The Man and his Mama tied for last.

Once we got back it was "time is up!" Fortunately, we had packers, but still stuff to do, like all of the laundry that takes so long with the existing appliances, packing us all for a couple months with clothes needed for Hot Houston and winter on the East Coast...getting rid of stuff that we couldn't use here and mentally preparing to move to a hotel, fly out, move in to corporate housing and find another house to live in and cars.

Here we go:
These are the 10 things I will NOT be missing about Australia.

1.  These critters: cockroaches, spiders,scorpians and snakes...
2.  The need to remember to turn on fan and open window to vent laundry room
3.  Sharing one bathroom with whole family and any visitor (I know, spoiled, right?!)
4.  Parking in "Car Parks" to do just about anything.
5.  Medical Care (the drs at our family practice were very nice and I liked them, but I prefer the full coverage our drs provide when visiting.)
6.  Tricky driving...hard to figure out what to do...signage and traffic...
8. Poor customer service in restaurants
10.  The friends I did not make...hahaha. But both of my American friends in Australia have connections in small is this world again? Luckily,the bloggers I stalk can still be relied on for a good laugh or mama commisserating moments from anywhere.

As a rare tribute to Australia, I will attempt the top 10 things from the top of my head that I will miss about Australia.

1. Parks/Playgrounds for kids everywhere
2. Though not convenient, not as FAST FOOD oriented.
3. The beautiful birds, especially my regular visitors; the Rainbow Lorrikeets and Kookaburras.
4. Some of the yummy interesting seafood.
5. Banana Bread
6. Coffee Aussie style. It is deliciousness.....maybe if I had some, I could come up with 7,8,9 and 10.
7. Really cool family bathroom facilities...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Huckleberry One year, 5 months/17 months old When This Was Originally Written

What a sweet little boy this one is. Truly. Even though he has no kisses for his mama:( Gives them all to his Daddy and Sister and says "No" to me. Rotten thang. Sucks in his cheeks like a fish for a big pucker!

What he's up to:

Busy, busy. Loves balls of all sizes. Rolling, throwing, kicking, catching and bouncing them. Sinking them into the toilet or his sisters potty seat. Yes, at the top of his Christmas list is a basketball net!

Still loves to eat and num num nums and yums stuff. Not too much he won't eat. He does not like chicken nuggets, period. That's all so far. In the US, we went thru drive thru CVS to get an Rx and he was Yumm...Yumming, more like "Nummmm"  because he thought he was at McDonald's. I've only seen drive thru fast food and I think a "bottle shop" also known as a Liqour Store" drive thru here. No banks, etc.

He is still into pushing a shopping cart, stroller and riding on the little firetruck but mostly he has evolved into pushing furniture around. Sometimes it has been just been there little kid sized table and chairs, others our chairs...I think the couch (they call it the lounge here in Australia) is a bit too heavy for him!

My pink iPhone is a direct line to Daddy aka The Man in this blog and he hands it to  me when he wants to talk to him so I can dial him. Pretty cute.

Also calls Bo, his grandfather, DaDa when looking at his picture.

Loves to sit on the potty with his sister...Hmmm. Yes, we have two from when we had a two story house and he will drag one beside hers and sit beside her.

Loves playing on the bed, jumping around.

Likes reading books now and will bring them to us  to read. Sometimes sits by himself on  a kid-sized chair or on the hearth to read alone. Love this!

He loves saying Bye Bye and "All done", talks major baby talk with hands moving like we have a little long lost Italian in us...

Sings Itsy Bitsy Spider with hand motions...and Row, Row, Row Your Boat ...but now prefers Itsy Bitsy...

Absolutely can't stay still when he hears music. Loves to dance!

:Loves cars and calls everything that moves a car so far. Trains, planes, tractors, etc.

Sometimes has to sleep with a ball. Has such a strong arm and a good aim! He dribbles and is not afraid of a ball coming at him at all. He catches them!

Loves dogs. Gets so excited to see them.

Has no fear on the playground and loves to slide down the sliding boards.

Not so hot:

He can be a little rough. Umm yeah...used a crab mallet on my head the other day. Ouch...
Must take care to close off kitchen and bathroom doors. Having a kitchen to close off is a pretty cool  vv concept that can't happen in a more modern open plan. Makes me think of my Mom-Moms house with doors to the dining room and the breakfast room.

If my phone goes missing, no telling where it can be. It's been located in the recycling box, in the trash, toy box, and in the fireplace....luckily he has not found it interesting to put in the toilet. Knockin' on wood over here, ya'll. Most of the time my ringer is off and findng it is a challenge. But I'm learning to keep it up high and to get back after he chats with Daddy!

Overall, I am cherishing the moments with him. When he wakes up an hour after I put him down and I am just getting relaxed...I usually take it with stride and just go pick him up and snuggle with him. Likely my last baby. That means, until my nieces and nephews have kids we have a long dry baby run to get through...

Car seat breaker outer! Ahhh. I meant to look for a middle clip when in America, but forgot and never really got to a Babies R Us kind of store. No, the car seats here only snap in at the base and that is it. No 5 point harness. They have no idea what that is. They have some weird thing here that seems to do the trick but what a wreck I was when he pulled out not just one arm, but two, basically negating any car seat safety we had. Now that I see how it works and see it is okay, I am going to get another for the Muffin. Just seems safer.

He is growing so quickly and just a delightful, sweet 'um!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Little Funnies

Warning: If you are under the age of 16, yes,Jack and Anna, I mean you, don't read this. it's nothing terrible, but maybe a little TMI, too much information of an embarrassing sort. Just skip this one. Not about us, or the kids, just Aussie advertising...

My facebook wall has shared some of these funnies, but I thought it would be fun to share some of the Lighter Side of Australia with all of you, some of whom are Facebook Virgins.

1.Underwear Ad. (this on TV)

Talks about wearing your "daggies" for that time of the month...Cracks me up. One of my college roomates used to call them "period underwear" (hi, B., wherever you are!" This is so much better!

BTW, "Bonds" is like the Hanes of Australia. They start with Baby stuff/"bubs" all the way to adult tees and panties, sold everywhere from the grocery to the Kmart to the department stores!

2. Toilet Paper Ad ( see a theme here? oops!, This on a billboard roadside)

"loves your bum!" All I can say is the tp is okay, but they are like little mini-rolls. I miss some of the SuperSize stuff of Diet Cokes and Toilet Paper Rolls! Also, until I found Kirkland brand paper towels at Costco...the Aussie rolls are shorter and left a big gap in the paper towel roller holder thingmajig! Quilton is the name of the TP brand in the ad, btw.

3. Vagina, Vagina, Vaaaagiiiiinnnaaaa!

TV ad says "Vagina!" The Man actually like stopped the tv and replayed it so I could hear that they said VAGINA on TV! No worries. Not that big of a deal, but unheard of in a TV commercial in the States. It also includes the words "Discharge".  The commercial is on all the time now and they have a print equivalent at the movie theater we went to over the weekend with signage up on the walls and stalls. It's for a panty liner...

Commercials are generally just way more liberal. When I can come up with some more, I'll add on to this, but right now, we are pretty restricted in Disney Jr, Nick, Jr CeeBeebee's...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Muffin.3 years, 9 months.

Our Muffin girl is still cute as a button and as precocious as ever.

Here are some things that are recently on her mind:

SANTA CLAUS and her birthday!! Is it too early to put the Elf on the Shelf up? The stockings and the Elf are all we brought with us for Christmas...
Somehow after me singing the Santa Claus is Coming to Town song  in response to her questioning she has decided to sleep in her own room,in her own bed for FOUR straight nights. I sort of miss her, but I also like having a little room to myself...

She is OBSESSED with getting the Barbie Town house with the PINK elevator. Retail price in Aus is $299 (Target), In the US it is about $130, I think (WalMart)! If we are here, Santa may as well ship it, it has to still be less expensive.

She is also very concerned about DEATH. She asks often about Grandma's mom. Why did she die? Etc. Then, she gets very sad and says I don't want you to die, Mama. Who will take care of me? Ahhh...she gets me in tears. I don't want to die either sweet Muffin. Don't want anyone else to take care of you....No, that is not what I say. I tell her that we all hope to live till we get old. Then, she talks about Bo being old (sorry, Dad)  and she worries about him. Believe me, she does too much thinking and I can't even think about how that will be as it will be heartbreaking for me, and then for my daughter who adores him to be heartbroken,too...Let's move on!

Wanting to DANCE (not have babies, you know, I want to be a ballerina like Anna) and play SOCCER and go to a school where MIKEY is not there to BITE her! I can't enroll her in anything with our not knowing where we are going status...but I know where to go for dance now, and told her we would consider schools again, once she's in panties. She is just too mature to hang out for hours with the little ones in diapers...Another school holiday is coming up and it is tricky with enrollments here as we missed the start of everything while we vacay'd in America...

She is making some progress on the potty. Even went on her own at the gym the other day and tried to go while I took a shower yesterday resulting in a Fuh-Fuh- FECAL mess all over her and our couch. The couch part was my fault. I had no idea she had pooped and I usually smell it. I did ask and she played me...Went to change her, as the changing table is in the sleeping bub's room, and didn't know she had sort of pulled off her diaper...and more details needed. It was a mess. And I said "I'm going to lose my mind!" Poor thing responded "You are going to lose your mind everyday". True dat. So, I've been schooled by the Muffin and plan to find a new expression. Open for suggestions. Also, working on just rolling with the punches...just handle it and move on...which I do,after I make a fuss.

She is very excited to see GiGi and Pop Pop next week.

She is very true to her missing her family and cousins and has appreciated all the mail love! Recent I misses included "Kaelyn and her baby sister." (She remembers K's Pirate Bday Party one of our last Richmond events). Also, Myra and Sam our new neighborhood neighbors have been brought up. We have to send them something. The last thing didnn't make it to the Post so maybe this time we will get past our good intentions and make it happen. Just happened to recently pick up a little something for Kaelyn and her sister.

What The Muffin Is Doing!

She won't put a bow or barrette in her hair but she puts them all over her My Little Pony toys for a Pony Show...

She is giving up playing with her Barbie's because they need a house and without one, nothing will do.

We left some of her little princesses in the rental car in Adelaide so she doesn't have them to distract her...Don't ask how? I knew to check, but she had a meltdown at the airport and we were in a crazy time and place and I just did not think to tell Seth to retrieve toys...I understand some are on their way via GiGi and PopPop who will be with us next week.At least they fit in her little doll house.

Playing with Legos and Blocks and was very into Play-Doh but it is now too sticky and messy and she loses her mind and screams...waking Huckleberry. She usually plays with play-doh while he naps otherwise he is all into it and EATING it. "Ummm Nummmm".

Loves TV still and movies. Loves Wizard of Oz and analyzes it and asks questions about it all of the time. She doesn't watch it all the time like you would think from her conversation. Also, still loves Ponyo, which we have already borrowed 3 times from the library! Seems to be off Rapunzel/Tangled a bit for now...

When something is done that should not have been she blames Soren Lorenson, her imaginary friend, based on the story of the Charlie and Lola books and cartoons. He is Lola's BIF!:) Kinda funny.

Since she began deleting my photos from the iPad (yup, iNeed to do something with them, have no idea what I lost, so glad I caught her when I did) she doesn't use it much. We, by that I mean her father, also found an age appropriate you tube alternative called Gube, rated G... that she seems happy with...though I have not checked for Betty Crocker kitchen vidoes. She was obsessed with them....Still enjoys helping prepare meals...

Some of the not so positives:

Writing on everything. Uh-oh Mother's Daughter on this one!  Walls...Photos, toys...(Please send Magic Erasers,someone.They don't sell 'um here.)  I haven't gotten it off the wall yet.

Meltdowns usually once a day but seem to be getting better with the new Santa fixation. Typically around 2:00 if we've been out in the morning and 4:00 if we did not. I'm trying to handle them better. She is tired but won't nap and if she naps she is up until 10 or later...

Insisting on having her Daddy at times when he is not available whether it be in our vicinity or hearing...and I am only trying to help her. Hurts ma feelings big time. Last time, I said, "(Muffin) I know you asked for Daddy, but he didn't hear you, can I help you?" I swear her head must've spun a few times a la the Possessed.  Again, I am working on my reactions to the DD though I can't help being hurt. I don't care how old she is. I don't mind that she wants him. I mind how she freaks out. She just asked me the other day (you know one of those questions from the backseat?) what freaked out means. Goodness, this girl. Daddy is very grounding and refereeing already. Now, gotta work on his hearing/response to help prevent some of these meltdowns.

Did you hear about the elevator at the hotel in Adelaide? The girl was in a mood. I had both kids, The Man was handling something at the car...We walk in and she goes to the elevator, hits the button. This is all fairly typical except that Huckleberry and I were way behind her, though she was always in my sight. That is, until the elevator door opened, my DD walked in and went to our room door ALL BY HERSELF. I know thhis may get a giggle. I know it is no surprise for her to remember our floor number or where our room was, but still good for her age, but the possible dangers of it all...No lectures needed. The Man did not even GET what I was telling him until the next day. He thought she just did what she always does...the buttons for us, etc. I said, why would I have made a deal out of telling you if this weren't different? Solo Muffin in the Elevator. Independent Sprite acting out of SPITE!

There you have a little glimpse in to life with Muffin.

Soon to Come. Huckleberry, 17 months, aka 1 year 5 months.

Back by Popular Demand (yeah, right). Stuff to Know About Australia, just in case yah want to come  for some Fun'da Down 'Unda

The stripes on the road for ROAD CROSSINGS are nicknamed Zebra Crossings . Cute, huh? Be sure to say it Brit/Aus way ZEHBRA! You had better stop for pedestrians because they don't even look. They do have the right of way, but I just can't exude that confidence on American or Aussie soil. Have they not noticed the amount of people with their heads down in their...crack....berries and mobile phones?

If your making a reservation, call it a BOOKING and if you need a HIGHCHAIR, ask them to reserve it for you. They have signs on the tables that say reserved...but booking is the word they use when you call and that high chair thing is the biggest pain in the drain. Seriously? Sydney is so child friendly in so many ways, but you only have two high chairs and I needed to book one? Umkay. I am thinking of keeping a toddler strap on seat in the BOOT for those days when we don't have a booking at all. I guess I'd have to attach it to the stroller for those days that we are mostly on foot. Keeping a hungry boy in a stroller to eat is a PITA and...holding him is nearly impossible because he's kinda like the frog in the song "Tiny Tim". He grabs everything to eat and then he throws stuff...and he is a DISASTER. It's a wonder we ever go out. But truly they are both pretty good when we are in public. Also, consider yourself warned, you may not have a booking and go to a restaurant with lots of empty tables that are "Reserved". They won't work you in or figure it out.They just keep the tables empty and waiting.

Also, the check, refill, new drink never comes unless you ask. It is so weird. No wonder you aren't supposed to tip! Service generally sucks. But the tab, also called "ticket" would be much higher with a little attention.

Later, Gators!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting Used to Sydney

Seems it's true. Yah read it right, Ok?

So here is a little speculation as to why I may be embracing this place a little better. All or none of it may have anything to do with it!

Is it....

a. I have reached the 6 month mark which is said to be the benchmark time frame to get used to someplace new. So, I am not losing my marbles over the crazy car park to get groceries via an elevator. Don't forget the coin needed to use a "trolley" in the grocery store, not to mention that they are nearly impossible to steer and all the more difficult with one kid in the front where kids usually have a seat, one in the back taking all the grocery room and no undercarriage. I don't get the steering thing, but it's not just me, I see Aussies struggling,too...They could benefit from some consultation with American shopping cart makers ( I know not likely made in America) who make it so much easier and pleasant to do the shopping! I'm even chilling over the busy roads with skinny lanes...I'm over it. I'm just doing it now without getting so stressed by it all.

b. My visit from my Dad, to MD with family and from the Hall's filled me up with Peace, Love and America!

c. I know I am leaving this house NO MATTER WHAT by or before the end of the lease! YES. It is still charming, and I'm sort of used to it, but Spring is upon us and I fear how many bugs and spiders will try to sublet...

d.Just dealing better as so much is unknown...We are most likely leaving Sydney all together which is too funny now that I'm embracing her a bit. We may be moving to South Australia, to Adelaide, which is more low key and easier to get around. Downside: Seth will have to work more hours and travel more. Lots of up sides to all of this though I will post about later...Adelaide has our favorite winery nearby "Molly Dooker" and lots of great wineries in nearby wine country. We couldnt go on our most recent visit because they do not have an official "Cellar Door" aka Tasting Room. They have a tour where you taste and the munchkins can not join. Gotta get back there with a babysitter! Maybe during our visit with the Mac's or maybe if we move there...I can see it now, crushing grapes at Molly Dooker...

e. I am working out. It's new, but I feel great and so far that 40 minutes to myself while kids go to the Kid Zone and are having fun there is wonderful!  It goes by wayyyy too fast and yes, I am saying this about working out! I am doing cardio/treadmill for now just to get going and get to a nice run. I am tweaking a sort of C25K (Couch to 5k) program with interval training and doing great so far. I think (delusional, maybe?) my body remembers being a runner. Haha.

f. There is a slim chance we get a job in the USA. Not likely Richmond if this happens. I am doing pretty well and think I can do wherever for one more year. However, makes planning things hard right now...thought we were going to be US bound for Christmas but if we are moving to Adelaide I think that will be enough of a move. Also, the adjustment is hard and I am not looking forward to doing it again. If we are staying in Aus. I want to go back later to stagger my visit a bit.

g. Mac's are in NZ now and will be coming to stay with us soon...wherever we are!

There you have it, just seven sort of positives. 

Moving is never fun but I am going to try to keep  my chin up, buckeroos, wherever we end up.

Little Miss Opinionated has put her two cents in...Her vote, of course, is America. Unfortunately, we don't really get to choose.

Kisses, darlings!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

R-O-C-K in the USA

I swore I wrote this already, but maybe it was just drafted in my head and Goodness knows, my head space is spinning often!

Last you all heard from me, I was having a fantastic visit with my father in Australia. What I couldn't tell you then, was we had a sneaky, surprise plan to return home with him. We told him and one sister so that she could help us coordinate being picked up at the airport with the carseats. We totally blew everyone away and Muffin took great pleasure in popping out from behind a chair at Grandma's everytime someone new would arrive under the pretense (it was late at night) that Bo wanted to see everyone that night! Then, we surprised the other grandparents and that was fun,too. Just showed up at their house and they were expecting my dad with some Aussie packages.

We were there for a month. We enjoyed seeing family and friends and were sad we missed seeing some of our favorites.

Some highlights (in random order!)

4th of July:
Nothing like being home for Independence Day!
 Muffin was so excited to celebrate America's birthday, though noone had any big plans, my mother threw a party together in HER honor.  
We also went to a hometown kinda parade in Galesville with kids in there Fourth Finery and there flags waving. It was hot, but short and they loved it. People were so friendly and I felt so much joy to be in America again!

Maryland Blues (not!)
Had crabs a couple times, not nearly enough! Learned that Huckkleberry is not allergic to shellfish and that he indeed has a "Category 2 Allergy" to nuts.  Love, love. love that our oldest will not eat crab except straight from crab pickin'. She does not like crab cakes or anything compromising her meat! Purist:)

Richmond, VA (two trips: one a few days and another back and forth in one day to MD)

Seems our house is in order with the tenants. Looks no more unloved on the outside than it did prior to our purchase with the exception that the lawn may be a bit better due to some measures we took prior to our move. Hope they are loving life in our Pink House. I went without kids. Worried it would be upsetting to the girl!

Had a nice stay with the Hall Family (who have since visited us here on the other side) to include a get together with other Cougar friends. They were so gracious as I brought my 2 kids, my sister and nephew with me.  Great to be with them in their lovely home. Also enjoyed seeing Raina! Woof! Loved seeing them and knowing they would be Down Under when I got back!

Lunch with Jeannette who has two boy bambinos invading her bod right now! Nice and how I've missed stuff as simple as Panera and eating and talking without kids. If I seemed quiet, ever, it might be 'cause the aforementioned scenario is so unusual. Sad I didn't get to see little Miss Emma  and her daddy, but mostly sweet Emma! Thank Goodness for Facebook and a fellow blogger!

Shopping with Kelly. Love that I met her at Target(nothing like American Target. We have it here but the kids clothes are pretty much crap and all character stuff...sorry, snobby me, I limit that in the kids wardrobes and the womens stuff here is like dept. store prices and some prices I wouldn't pay in the states in a dept store sale since I am a total sale shopper) and we caught up browsing the aisles. Hope those walls don't talk and nice that it isnt my hometown where surely there would be someone who knew me hearing our chatter! She is everyones best friend...and creme de la creme and I am so happy she is in my life and we go long spans and pick up wherever we are at and it is just as comfortable as it was when we were teaching in the 'hood together!

Seeing my own doctors to include the coolest dentist dude ever, Jeff Friend. He can be found at Patterson Ave. Center for Dental Arts. That name doesn't seem so cool (sorry, Jeff, but I assure you he is a great guy who really knows his stuff). He is as real as they come and I love that he sings throughout the day, tunes from back in our day! (also, EVERYONE in his office is friendly and  nice!) AND the best OB/GYN Dr. Erica Royal. We just love her. Smart, sweet and professional. She is with Virginia Physicians for Women. Muffin loves Dr. Erica and she was just fabulous with her when we took her to our prenatal appts. for Huckleberry! She let her wear her stethoscope and listen to the babies hb herself. Muffin was convinced, she was part of the medical team and said things like she wanted to be a dr. like Dr. Erica. She can be whatever she wants to be, but if she is a person like Erica, we will be happy, without the PhD.

Crabs again with the McLaughlin Crew
We had nice visits with my in laws and the kids got some time to be with there grandparents on their own and have an outing. Muffin loved her time with her cousins, Charley, Nathan and Bailey...

Got to see some of my Stewart cousins at Lauren's NHS graduation. This was a funny one for me and sad. I noted that with the exception of a few older folks like my parents...there weren't any old people. Hmmm...epiphany, "We are the effin old people!" Ahhhh! Kids had a great time playing at Piney Point except poor Jack who got wrapped up in a jellyfish around his belly. A whole new definiton of JELLY BELLY! Ouuuuch! He was a trooper. It looked horrible.

Got to see Cathy Mc, my ole neighbor and BF for a very short visit...wish it had been longer.
Lots of little visits....just nice to be close to the ones we are closest to....

Lots of little stuff...

We loved being in the hot, humid , Maryland summer!
